“Added value and strength to your company with advertising”

...apropos opinions since the year 2008...

Eagle Media produces corporate marketing material for print and electronic media. We combine different aspects of marketing from design to implementation.

Our services cover every field in media. Over the years our products have evolved to servethe needs of both small and large companies.

Our company products include www-sites, introduction videos, 3D-products, event production and traditional print media.

In addition, we help companies find the right communication solutions, including marketing planning to form a reliable partnership.

Services and products


Our company plans and executes clips, tv- and audio commercials. Filming, edits and effects are produced with, for example, 3D-effects or using graphics and animation. Business fair, company and demonstration videos go through the same process.


We produce advanced internet services with high quality graphics for challenging modern systems. Our services include home pages and mobile pages, mobile apps, publication to different social media channels, online stores and reservation services as well as planning and making content. We use open source code programs like WordPress and Joomla as our publishing programs.


From us you can get audio and music for radio and tv-productions. We have many of the best national voice talents in our selection. Through our audio production you can get the sound you want to accompany your presentation video. We make recordings and repairs with modern technology. We also have a movable recording set as well as a car capable of recording. From us you can get audio playback services to your big and small events, both in- or outdoors.

Graphic services

We plan and implement your company's advertisements, leaflets, business cards, forms and paper ads. Our biggest graphical ensembles to ensure sales have been, for example, booklets for house building companies. We also do graphics websites to support marketing in there, as well as to both indoor and outdoor screens, animations included. We make impressive demos and animations to make sure the deal is profitable.

3D and VR

As our newest service we realize a 3D-view for your product, company or housing presentation. 3D-modeling is a perfect fit for a factory or business layout visualization. You can find a virtual-demo workshop at our office. With the HCT Vive virtual goggles you have the opportunity to see the world in a different way. Come check it out!

Decals and signs

We plan, make and set up your advertising decals to both indoor and outdoor locations. Vehicles, business premises, signs and guideposts, gadget- and product stickers, advert stickers, warning decals, stickers with text, banderolls, roll-ups, stands, and LED- signs. Our customers are usually local businesses, but we also represent as subcontractors for national companies and their decoration decals.

Photography and video services

We plan out your promotional photos and produce them for you in both picture and video format. The filming of events and subjects will be shot with high-class video-, photography- or aerial photography equipment. This way we can provide the organizer with the whole package to ensure visibility.

Business partnerships

We can also take care of your businesses whole marketing and social media. We have the resources to take care of customers needs from adverting tapes, business cards to internet marketing and all the way to tv-commercials. With a marketing plan we can draw a picture of a perfect set.


Google Ads tools and Google Analytics are among the most important tools for marketing and advertizing your business. We help your business with different aspects of Google marketing and its implementation cost efficiently.


With application development, animation and 3D-visualization we can bring even the most challenging subjects onto your screen before significant investment decisions. As an example, an application to help sales works like this: SEE EXAMPLE

Eagle booklet

Here you can read or download Eagle Media’s personal booklet


We are constantly collaborating with the leading companies in Finland as well as local influencers!

Contact information

Come pay us a visit or contact us!

Address Vierimaantie 5, 84100 Ylivieska (Smarthouse 1st floor) Mon-fri from 9am to 3:30pm



CEO, sales, production

+358 (0) 400 958 180

antti.kotka (at) eaglemedia.fi


Production, graphics, 3D

+358 (0) 503 399 207

paavo (at) eaglemedia.fi

Engineer in media technics and a content creator, “Jack-of-all-trades.”


Text, photography, production

+358 (0) 408 391 768

tuovi.pulkkanen (at) eaglemedia.fi

I’m a content creating professional who specializes in writing as well as photographing.


+358 (0) 50 4674 486

info (at) eaglemedia.fi


We kindly ask to send bills for Eagle Media digitally, if possible.

Digital billing address:

Digital address: 003722203255

Broker ID: 003723327487 (OR 00372332748700001)

Operator: Apix Messaging Oy

Business ID: 2220325-5

Paper billing address:

If digital billing isn’t available for you, we ask you to send your paper bills to the address found below, where they will be scanned to a digital format.

We ask of you to also write the billing address in to the bill itself so we can direct it to the right place.

This address is for billing purposes only – we do not accept any handouts or marketing materials.

AK Eagle Media


PL 1000


If you have any questions about billing, please contact:

Antti Kotka

0400 958 180
